House CleNsing

Living space our HOME Is equally important to keep clear and clean as our own body, mind, spirit.

This session is recommended If you feel some stagnant energy in your living space, not able to sleep or create.

Feeling sick or disharmony appearing more offten, tired , moody ..etc.

When you purchase New home with history or even when you build own home to use it as WELCOME NEW HOME CEREMONY TO SET NEW INTENTION..

We are living with different energies around at all the time HOME,WORK SPACE, SCHOOL..

ITS IMPORTANT TO ADD THIS PRACTICE TO KEEP SPACE CLEANSE From any type of ENERGIES, sometimes need to be cleared after some visitors, or when some one is sick , or pass away, after difficult life situation , relationship, toxic relationships with members family , friends, partner.,after tough day at work or phone call, after tough nightmare.

In the time of life transitions, after divorce, difficult family constellation, any traumatic situation.

Also time of positive transformation before hosting celebration, wedding, or moving to new home etc.

When you Clear your sacred space, you will experience more life force coming in and feel REfresh, stronger protections, new inspiration, love, peace, joy...