Shamanic Yoga Retreat

Way of the Heart Journey of Self Love  

A personal encounter with the power and beauty and mystery of the Heart with your teacher/guide 

Miska Chaska 

 8-10 November 2024


A luxurious stay in a beautiful place in nature


Come and experience 3 magical days Luxurious Authentic retreat in a beautiful location in nature

Anahatha Yoga Practice

Practicing Anahatha Yoga The way Miška Chaska practices yoga, meditation, dance and heart wisdom sharing rituals and shamanic energy practices is very powerful and authentic, healingly transformative. 

It brings her joy, vitality and vibrations of love. And with this, she likes to share an unforgettable, personal experience with you. 

It will transport you through time and always guide you in its sacred space, helping you awaken your own kundalini energy and reconnect with your beautiful Anahatha heart center.

 Kundalini energy is symbolized by the coiled serpent... Which is the basic essential cosmic vital energy known as Shakti... It sits within each of us... and with each breath expands and flows up into the heart center of Anahata Chakra. 

Miška will establish harmony before class to be filled with the energy of the light of love and peace. With her presence and authentic environment, you will feel at home. Her class is more than an asana, it actually goes beyond the practice of yoga… It is a class of healing through the art of YOGA… 

With 25 years of practice and teaching experience, her dedication to self-healing, empowerment, a strong connection with nature, the universe and her compassionate heart… creates a practice something for everyone, from newborns to seniors... You are all welcome!!!

There are no limitations, only in the mind of the one self that prevents you from flowing, being flexible and moving freely with an open heart. Come and experience this unique gentle, strengthening, rejuvenating and meditative healing course.

 Heart Journey

The heart path of meditation and visualization will lead us to ourselves. We will experience relaxation and harmony and activation that regenerates not only the heart, but also other vital organs and parts of the physical body and strengthens our soul. 

Shamanic journey serve to expand your consciousness and strengthen your health and heal your soul. Together we will connect and deepen the physical practice and look into the depths of our hearts. 

Our precious Heart is not just an organ, it is our guide to the center of our inner universe. Our spirit guide, a beautiful flower waiting for you to open to your full beauty and light. We have created a program of lessons and techniques to show you how to discover the treasure within, how to connect, understand how to heal and love more… 

Here are some examples of heart imbalances (sadness, loss, feelings of separation, inability to love or express love, feelings, touch, to self and others, anger, resentment, judgment, physical heart pain, coronary and circulatory disorders, breathing problems or asthma, skin issues... many more.) If you are interested in embarking on a heart healing journey, please feel free to contact me.

 I am honored to be here to guide you on your sacred journey into your Heart. We can have individual sessions or you can join a workshop where more beautiful hearts can share and meet... It is an individual process where all paths meet in the heart.

Gifts and Joint creations

 You will experience and learn how to accept yourself, how to take care of yourself, your own being, body, mind, heart. Learn to listen to your heart, speak from your heart, act from your heart, create from your heart, live from your heart. It is a life changing experience. You will learn new techniques that you can practice immediately. 

An amazing opportunity to be personally guided by a renowned yoga teacher and modern shamanes, into deep inner work to help you integrate, embody new experiences and achieve radiant health. 

 We will practice dynamic breathing exercises that stimulate the energy centers and bring more prana, leading to longevity and well-being.  

We will share personal inspirational stories. We share tips on how to achieve balance and experience radiant health, diet, self-love and more. Talking about FOOD and NUTRITION for your HORMONES and CYCLE. 

We will learn daily home practice just for you. We will sit together in a sacred space, share from the heart and help you find a way, a solution to solve your current situation. 

We will meditate, co creat, dance and have lots of fun!!

During the weekend you will experience an intensive program, 3 yoga classes with extended relaxation, Anahatha yoga, meditation, healing frequencies of the Tibetan bowl, sound healing, voice healing, shamanic flutes, shamanic circle, drum vibration, dance, as well as connecting with your energy body diagnosis, card interpretation, creating a healing heart mandala.

 Also free time, where you take stroll and use the local sauna with swimming pool or take advantage of the opportunity to go for a massage and also a personal session with Miška Chaska. 

 The yoga session will take place in the morning and in the evening and is suitable for both complete beginners and advanced participants. Take a mat and comfortable clothes, a blanket with you to practice. For those who do not have a mat, equipment is available in the hall.

I look forward to connecting beautiful hearts and the charm of nature surround us 

Heartfelt Welcome

Price includes: 

  • 2 nights in a gorgeous rustic apartments 2-3 person in room
  •  2x breakfast in the form of a VEGETARIAN buffet
  • 2-course VEGETARIAN dinner
  • 3x Anahatha  jóga lesson
  • 2x heart ritual/meditation 
  • Open heart circle/Sharing
  •  Healing mandala Heart
  •  Circle Closure/Sharing

The price does not include: transport* a visit to a local restaurant drinks, personal healing session with Miska and massage or sauna,

Direction:Flights to Prague, Berlin other country Cities near Czech! very good transport via Flixbus. By car to the Rabasuv Mlyn, Buček okres Plzeň-Sever

 PRICE 250 euro / person Deposit 100 euro

To make a reservation, please email us

 Warm Welcome 

The capacity of the retreat is 14 clients. 

Cancellation terms here //