MONDAY 13th December 2025 via ZOOM

Medicine of Light's Moon Ceremony and Shamanic Journey will bring harmony, balance, abundance and healing into the modern life.

Every New and Full Moon I sit in ritual alone in communion with Mother Earth or I gather with other Lightworkers and Earthkeepers in the world.

Together we create and make fire offerings together for healing transformation, it is one of the most powerful, traditional shamanic practices available to you for transmutation and manifestation.

Exclusive Healing Journey beyond time. I would like to offer this with YOU! 

8pm GMT+2, ESCT Prague /Europe 
7pm UK, Ireland


An invitation to the Zoom meeting will be sent to you automatically when you book.


We all have the privilege to welcome New Dreams and Prayers, through the Sacred Ceremony of the potent energy of the FULL MOON in Cancer.

We are Called to Highten our frequency to go through these changes on the Earth.

In this Ritual, you will have the opportunity to heal unconscious patterns, negative thinking, ancestors stories, old habits, wounds, go deeper into your heart and soul, as the dark moonrise, to still. oneself in the quiet place within and reflect bring forward to transform all which is ready to be seen, into powerful medicine.

Take this moment to reflect, introspect, make proper planning ahead, lift up negative thinking, habits, clear up the old from our inner house also from the place we live in.

Powerful gift this Full Moon is to start to learn embrace your own freedom, brake through boundaries, what is holding you back to be free!

 Take moment to clear old habits, betrayal, disappointment, learn to forgive to rise, and believe in yourself even more than before. Don't get distracted, get clear, your heart open going forward towards the dream, life change...Taking Giant leap with Truth and Trust.

Open your heart to LOVE, with new initiation and remembering who you truly are.

Star Gate open,  re wiring of DNA strands, re activating of crystal body frequencies. Embodying starkeepers light and wisdom, channelling in into our hearts. 

Hathores Chanelling diamond light love frequency - Homecoming, a return to holiness and wholeness, to the Infinite Playground of Life we are!  A cosmic portal is open, we are welcome to turn in and receive this incredible Light transmission, which will help us to transcend all the heavy energy, and karma and bring more Light codes to help Re-Set our Life!! 

Personal Connection with the Lunar cycle and the Sun helps you to go deeper in, reflect, ground, show you life in a new light, directions!

Grounding with joy, living my life purpose !! Stability is my gift, focus, transcend the heavy energies. I'm born to shine!

Have you asked yourself lately "What's my life purpose, what can I create, for a better world??"

Each Moon cycle affects our personal state, and moods, the example you have positive thoughts about yourself and others, you think positive, see a positive outcome, believe. With this moon, you will feel more positive, uplifted, and receive more abundance in many places in life. If you would be more negative moods, thoughts, low energy..you will continue even more on full moon feeling of anxiety, stress, sadness, etc...

Attention, you can still shift, bring it to the ceremony, and allow the power of the moon to help you to illuminate the old, heavy.

We all have a choice of what we believe about ourselves and the world.

Take full responsibility and actions, towards projects, health, and make a personal decisions, moving forward.

Potent time to start rising and believing in yourself even more than before. Don't get distracted, get clear, and open your heart, going forward towards the dream, life changes...Take a Giant leap to meet your beloved family, and friends.

Yet there can be some obstacles, and challenges you may be facing, therefore don't let them stop you, take them to the ceremony to show you how to transform them to be your gifts. From Victimhood to VictoryLife.

Ritual and Ceremony, Shamanic Journeys are amazing ways to help you when you going through a big life transition.. for example, marriage, relationship break up, divorce, loss of beloved, own loss, grief, loss of work, loss of own soul, collective shift...

You are all very welcome to join, our private circle, conscious community, beautiful souls, and hearts, who are on the same path as you, towards mastering your own life, healing the past, calling in the highest possible gifts to help manifest a new way of life. To Anker, oneself, create a solid foundation for all the projects, dreams.

We all going through another level of awakening, start gates portals are open to assist us in this pandemic experience. You may have a strong need for balance and harmony, love, craving a deeper connection to something bigger than is you, the Divine, the Great Spirt, The Cosmic Heart now. Let's all together gather by this sacred fire, and make a ritual to call in Ayni, right relationship with self, loved ones, family, all the people, and stories.

 It's time for us this Full moon to embrace all, one must learn to share your good and bad feelings, and emotions, how to express your own heart, to forgive, and to love. Do not be afraid to be who you really are, despite what is expected of you. Time to take the passionate gifts of this sign and turn them into beauty, respond to own heart, soul calling!!

Ritual Aquarius in Istria Full moon July 2021
Ritual Aquarius in Istria Full moon July 2021

Time to show up for oneself and this whole world. Embrace the new, learn calming practices, meditations, gain new tools to be able to live life more with the flow, trust, intuitively guided by own heart. Embody some visualization techniques.

As you heal old stories cleanse body, mind, souls, heart, you will become free from what holds you back from manifesting beautiful life on this Earth today. Focus on your goals, new dreams projects, growing them from the heart. Highten our frequency to go through these changes on the Earth.

In this Ritual you will have the opportunity to heal unconscious patterns, negative thinking, habits and to call in Your Higher self, New gifts. 

After the Sacred Fire and Water Ceremony, heart sharing, you will receive a Bonus of Guided Journey to the Temple of Love of the Moon/Luna, to the Stars to experience very deep healing, to acquire greater wisdom gifts for new journey /cycle ahead. 

Welcome you all, no previous experience needed, to reserve your place scroll down click on the Paypal link and sent me an email medicineoflight@gmail.com .

Its always amazing to spend quality time with you, in the sacred space,to vitness an immediate shift to get tools to improve your life for all your needs in all areas of you life: health,  love, relationships, wealth, abundance, work....

Thank you very much for  phenomenal feedback. Looking forward to meet you again.

Many loving blessings 

Miska Chaska xxxx

Fire Ceremony
Fire Ceremony

It's very important that we water our little seedlings in the heart with positive prayers, gratitude, ask for help, learn to receive, live in the flow, in this transitioning time!!

Have you asked yourself lately?    

"Where do  I feel flow or where am I stagnant in my life??

What's my life purpose, what can I create, for the better world??"

!!How we honor ourselves and Goddes Mother Earth !!

Allow to Exist, Create and to live Healthy Vibrantm Balance and Abundant Life?

Here are 5 empowering tools to share with you 

1# New/Full Moon signified new beginnings, a fresh start, what you had worked on to either close or renew with brighter energy.  Ask for support, delegate tasks that you can complete your projects.

2# When you feel emotionally overwhelmed, breath in and out, start to do some activity that calms emotions and brings peace, clarity, like yoga, pranayama, dance, work out go for a long walk, or run. It Will not only oxygenate your cells but will increase the level of dopamine. Have a cup of delicious Cacao Elixir - about  here https://www.medicineoflight.cz/cacao-love-ritual/

3#Step away from dramas, victimhood, fear, and negativity. Non-Doing. No creating violence or negative vibrations. When you are overwhelmed find a friend to share or assistance on a professional level. Learn the new way, techniques to elevate your life. Call for help! Welcome to book clarity call with me

 4# Take small steps, knowing, feeling that brings positive outcome GIANT LEAP, this is our time, we can't go back...only forward with, with a strong vision of positive change, support, vibrant health, life, love, respect, abundance, for all of us here.

5# Learn to practice Compassion and Oneness. Bring out your gifts, share with others, teach others this unique powerful practice. Commitment call. Respond to all your are with a positive focus.

Learn practice Compassion and Oneness. Bring out your gifts, share with others, teach others this unique powerful practice.

Perfect opportunity to Start or Reset New way of life, change all the limited believes.

This Full Moon

Share gifts of Nurturing, Love with yourself and all around you. 

Venus Gifts are: Feminine, Fearlessness, Beauty,Magic. Coomune with this Morning Star , deepen your inner relationship with your Feminine Shakti, harmony and balance, LOVE.


These ceremonies will be held every New and Full Moon for a continued and powerful fire journey we can build together. 

Come and sit in a sacred ceremony with me and a circle of beautiful beings around the planet. 

8pm GMT+2, ESCT Prague /Europe

 7pm UK, Ireland.

All you need to prepare is: -

A clear intention of what you need to let go of in your life, what you would like to heal 

 what you like to receive or manifest for this new cycle

Candle Light * Matches * Incense (Sage or Palo Santo) * Bowl of Water * Crystal *​ Comfy place to lay down for the Bonus of Shamanic Journey

Book Private 1-1 Energy Healing Session

Fire Ceremony

The ceremony is a very magical, healing ritual where all the luminous beings and ancestor tribes will meet. It is performed on the New and Full moon or during a sacred healing journey. We connect as one tribe of healers across the sky. You will be guided to perform this sacred ritual for yourself, your family, loved ones, and the whole world. We will offer Old Arrows to shed what no longer serves us, in the same way, the Serpent- Sachamama sheds its skin. We bring the life-light Arrows to our 'becoming', to invoke new gifts, to invoke what we dream and wish for, to live our lives as luminous beings, embracing the new and making this offering to our dearest Mother Earth for the Healing of all Sentient Beings. 

WHAT  PEOPLE HAD TO SAY ABOUT  the Shamanic Moon journeys !! Absolutely Loved it, Miska's guidance, and her Healing way !! It’s was incredible, mainly the sensation in my body. I was able to fully reconnect with my soul and physical temple. This journey had connected me to new messages and gifts, which can use here in this dimension, my daily life.Very powerful, healing !! Empowering, healing, magical journey !! Very strong connection to the Grandmother Moon and my self.Thank you very much for such an incredible Journey looking forward to the next one!!Afterward has very deep sleep, woke up with more energy and positivity!! Feeling nurtured, held, loved !! Feeling inner peace and love!!                              Miska Chaska you are such Precious Gift for us all, thank you very much for all your offerings and immaculate guidances, you are walking your talk with Love!

Please note if you cannot afford the full price, you may contact Miska for a concession.
She does not want anyone to feel excluded from this powerful experience.
For bank transfer instead of paypal please contact

Shamanic Journeying is a sacred tool For Spiritual development, healing, vision quest, the advancement of your consciousness and Soul; healing your heart! It will bring many new gifts forward for you to fully be whole living in harmony as your full potential!! This is a way to travel to a different part of the world beyond this reality. We are transported together by the drumbeat, the sacred instruments and voice, and our intent. The frequency will calm your mind, body, and spirit and bring you to an altered state (like the theta state of deep meditation ) where you can deeply relax and visit your inner world. Here you can invoke your spiritual development, healing, health, harmony for yourself, and many aspects of your life, your Spirit, loved ones, prayers for Planet Earth and beyond! Shamanic Journeys may be used for many occasions such as: -
Soul Retrieval, Heart Journey, New Moon, and Full Moon
Spirit Animal Journey, Ayni Journey, Yanantin Journey
Spiritual Guide Journey, Tellos Journey, Avalonian Journey
Plus Many More ...

In our New Moon journey together we will rest in a crystal bed to renew, reflect, and bring forward new intentions to life, here in this moment on Earth. Together we will bring the healing and flow back in! You are the co-creator of a New Earth and by stepping into the portal and participating in this deep inner work, you become the magic and beauty made manifest in this world with loving graceful guidance and protection!

I cannot wait to welcome you to this new beautiful opportunity to create together. 

​Love Miska xxx