Welcome to Medicine of Light
Welcome you to our Sacred Space
Shamanic energy DNA healing, Counseling, Spiritual Readings, Soul Mapping, Cacao Love Ritual, Full/New Moon Ritual, Shamanic Journey, Yoga, Meditation, Chakra balancing, Ecstatic Dance, Sound healing bath, Massage, Plant medicine.
Im very honored to offer you Shamanic and Spiritual guidance. Medicine of
light is a Healing, creative, empowering, joyful, loving way inside this
Safe Sacred Place on Mother Earth. To elevate our mind, body, spirit and heart on its soul journey in this life in order to alleviate us from the difficult situations we are living.
Miska Chaska use different wisdom tools to bring us wellness, beauty, empowerment,
joy, magic, love, harmony and inspiration in order to realize what life is meant to be. We learn how to communicate with our higher self, plant medicine, the animal world to finally understand our life's purpose.
In this great time of transition, some of us are experiencing this download of energy on Mother earth through different channels. The effect can range from feeling confused and lost to becoming ill.
In this moment where the shadows are overwhelming the light within, we must find the pathway to our origin. Medicine of Light takes us where the light shines even behind the clouds so that we can reach behind these clouds to retrieve our happiness, wellness and our light.
We must tap into this new flow of energetic transition in order to heal and connect deep with our own heart... And follow our planetary consciousness to become ONE LIGHT on this new earth.
have been called to change your life into this new consciousness, to retrieve your origin, your own light. I am fully experienced, qualified, healer, massage therapist, yoga mindfulness, meditation teacher, dancer, singer. Im a host on Gaia, live in communion with nature, spirit realms, and human spirit lover.
Guide women, men to release old stories, soul healing to live luminous vibrant health & true potential.
I am looking forward to meeting YOU to share this transformational moment in our sacred space.
Meet Miska Chaska
Hi!! I am Miska Chaska, originally from Slovakia/Czech having been on the Soul and Heart journey for some time...
I have passed many initiations with plant medicine/herbs from Europa and South America, USA, India and I have elevated my Spirit my Heart with different teachings and tools.
I have dreamt of the Peruvian jungle and Sacred Andean mountains since my teens. I was called and enter this incredible place on mother Earth in the year 2011, such a blessing, I will never forget my first encounters with this vibrant Selva and the magical, healing, transforming journeys.
Beginning and continuing of my Soul Journey.
I was called to move from mid of Europe to emerald Ireland in 2001. I learned much about the inner self, on a very deep level, pass many initiations on my Mythic soul journey over 20 years.
I have embarked on the path of Yoga, meditation, (Trained with YTTC Ireland) and different beneficial healing arts*(psychology, philosophies, mysticism, sound healing, dance), and self-study/wisdom, all for the highest good of self-growth and all around me.

life journey continues I dedicate my path to Shamanic journey ..from
Celtic, African, Native American led her to the South American.
I have
been initiated to Peruvian Lineage of medicine women and man, Laikas
(Queros) in 2007. I have experienced many visions of my past and the future. I have had to re-remember being on the path of medicine women in different lifetimes and I have learnt to embrace many gifts in this life again!! To step from the dark to the light side.
Graduating from
Healing Light Body School - the Four Winds with Dr Alberto Villoldo in July 2010.
As an Earth/wisdom keeper, after much deep personal healing
work and many initiations on her Path of Shaman Priestess, I began to Share this teaching, by hosting ceremonies, workshop & healing for
individuals and Mother Earth - in a different part of the world. (Majestic
mountains of Europe, Hawaii, USA, India, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, sacred places and in
the heart of the Amazonian Jungle).
Gaining many insides and
abilities, integrating all the heal parts and gifts into my daily
practice and everyday life, I was called to work with our universal
energy and the rhythms of Pachamama, medicinal plants.
Having been
very busy, assisting others with her guidance and healing tools, in
this amazing transition ascending time, I am very honour and grateful
to be in your service today.
passionately loving this work and being of assistance hosting healing retreats, Yoga, Detox retreats, Radiant awakening workshops,
and also offering long therm apprentice/shamanic medicine, healing, high
vibrational energy work.
My heart is filled with joy, gratitude to become part of the indigenous culture, wisdom, families. Expanding, sharing of unconditional love together. I have responded to a great dream and calling, of the New
World to bring Medicine of Light and to be co-creator Eco healing centre
in Peru.
My life purpose is to guide others to learn how to become more connected to the mother Earth, universal energy, guidance, meet personal guides, transform, heal, tune in and to live up to ones own True potential and heart full life!!!"
During your Retreat in Peru
Mission is to serving as a bridge to connect interested seekers with Shamanic Traditions of indigenous and modern, as well as alternative modalities of healing and energy work, all in the sanctuary of the tranquil jungle environment or now bring all this anywhere in your Home.
In conjunction with this deeply personal process of healing and self-inquiry, we gladly offer assistance and support through a variety of retreats and workshops based on Shamanism Curanderismo, ceremonies & Persona Plant Diets Counselling and Integration (private and group), Private treatments 1:1 Energy Helaing Sessions, Massage, Reflexology, Soul retrieval, Sound Healing Chakra Balancing classes, Yoga meditation and ecstatic Dance classes, Holistic Nutrition and Diet Support.
techniques of Permaculture and Agroforestry in the cultivation of
wholesome unadulterated foods, fruits, herbal medicinal plants, as well
as education in principles ecology ad sustainability in an effort to
preserve and re-forest the disappearing Amazon Jungle, which provides
more than twenty per cent of the world's oxygen
While in Peru, sourcing of sustainable/renewable resources in the construction of buildings and natural living structures (ex. Tambos, mud-brick, Bamboo, Earthships...).
The utilisation of sustainable methods of architecture and design in order to most effectively minimize the environmental impact of construction and maximize the efficiency of resources in working synergistically with the energy-flow and inherent design of nature.
Supporting eco-tourism as a means of providing economic opportunity and
cultural preservation of indigenous cultures and communities; and in so
doing, creating awareness on a global scale of the need for stewardship
and protection of an endangered Amazon and indigenous cultures therein.

Miska Chaska is a wonderful guide through out ceremonies. She works with all her heart and highest knowledge, superconsciousness. Through the years she have created strong, relationship and combining her teachings together with Wisdom and Teachings, guidance of medicinal plants. Its a wonderful fusion of the feminine and masculine in sacred space, assisting many with much love and integrity. We always create a sacred safe space each ceremony at Medicine of Light fill with much Love, Munay, peace, protection-Arkana, harmony, beauty*** Welcome you all to Chakana Templo**
Video Testimonials

Taking the Chakra Mastery Course was a great way to learn more about the 7 Chakras, connect with myself, and others in the group. Miska's wisdom and knowledge on the topic were insightful. I was able to reconnect to parts of myself I had forgotten to tune into. Every week we meditated, shared stories, danced, and created art. It was a healing experience, thank you Miska! -Anis Ortis

As I know Miska now for four years and became her first student in the Rainbow Star Medicine Wheel, I honour every time her lovely dedication to this sacred work and healing. Miska is a great teacher, compassionate and clear, with the open heart and purity how a real shaman is needed on this planet. The one to one healing is very deep and transformative, it can release trauma and past wounds, in order to go forward with liberated and joyful power in your heart and soul!
Her ceremonies with Ayahuasca and Cacao are as powerful and amazing as also save and pure, because of her dedication to the divine light. In Peru are only very view people to trust fully for having a save and sacred Ayahuasca ceremony. Miska is definitely one of the best, because she is during all the process available and attentive with her great appearance.
Also as a teacher it is easy to share experiences and learn more things, in order to practise. Without ego and with the aim to grow into the better, for the highest good of all.
As a friend I really love her, because she takes responsibility for her acting and changing the world with her beautiful impact towards a healing, colourful and flourishing one - just as we humans do.
Muchas gracias y Munay sonco!
- Fanny Ramira
Taking part in this chakra mastery course was, without a doubt, a life-changing experience for me. Knowing nothing about chakras, I threw myself in at the deep end and opened myself up to receive whatever was to come. I came away feeling alive, strong, empowered, courageous, peaceful and completely myself. Before working with Miska I felt I was struggling to breathe, lost and clawing to find myself again. Nearly three years on I am still standing strong and following my heart. To Miska, I will be eternally grateful for unlocking the amazing power within.
-Heidi B.
Private session with Miska Chaska, she has a highly refined intuition that allows her to formulate questions that bring light to the depths of one's shadows. My sessions with her have guided me into places of serenity and empowerment. Since the last session I have been able to see my patterns more clearly and understand which tools to utilize in order to create healthier rhythms. I feel very grateful for the gifts she has brought to my life. Thank you so much Miska
-Violet Julia C. H.
If anyone may be able to do this training with Miska Chaska I could not recommend it more. I had the great honor of studying the south direction with her 2018, and it was hands down the most transformative experience of my life. We worked with deep personal wounds, ancestral patterns and lineages, released and healed great things. I was able to come fully into my body like never before and ultimately my entire life changed after this experience. I met my partner and had my beautiful angel baby! I often view my life in terms of before and after this training. All I can say join Miska Chaska !!!
- Marcela S.

Graduated Student / Medicine of Light
Medicine Wheel West direction Peru 2019
My passion to travel to Peru became reality this November fulfilling a childhood dream long in the making.
I was met by the gorgeous Miska Chaska my beautiful teacher/mentor and friend - beaming and handing me a fresh coconut to drink. Peru enveloped me in its mysterious and radiant charm. I felt deeply held and nurtured from the word go. The journey began with the motto rides, bus passages and river crossings by barge boat. When the morning the sun rose to greet me it shone golden ripples over the Laguna Azul in Sauce. Where the Andes meet the Amazon.I had finally come home!I had come to continue my healing training Medicine Wheel with Miska Chaska. It was time for the West class. Honouring Otorongo. Jaguar medicine. Uncovering our shadows. Dancing the dance of the veils. Shedding our many masks. Healing our ancestral line. The next 5 days unfolded richly, deepening. Shedding layer upon layer coming closer to my true self- to the source. Early morning meditations by the lake, yoga in the eco-lodge, refreshing dips in the laguna, long jungle walks and divine fresh vegan food expertly formulated to complement the training, balance chakras and promote regeneration, peace and calm. Miska holds an immaculate space- allowing a natural unfolding to happen.
Her impeccable sense of timing and intuitive teaching style promotes deep self-reflection and trust. This allows inner courage to emerge to really embody the work that requires doing whilst feeling deeply held, supported and safe. The beautiful and tranquil settings of her retreats allow you to feel deeply nourished and rejuvenated inside and out.I feel deeply blessed to have come across this work and would highly recommend Miska's work to anyone looking to explore personal healing work, complement other alternatives medicine modalities or is being called to simply pause, restore and nourish themselves.
Thank you to Great Spirit bringing you safe home, continue this incredible light work in your community Loved Once The The who are ready to make a leap Change;) With soo much Love Beauty Otorongo Spirit!! To all our Relations Aho!! Mitakuye Oyasine with much LOVE Munay Sonco

Graduated Student/ Medicine of Light
The South Class of the Medicine Wheel. 2017
The connection between Miska Chaska and me happened like a miracle and exactly in the right time.
I was literally in crisis and burn out my soul was calling for help. There it was I stayed in Tarapoto in a Peruvian hostel I found Bussiness card Shamanic Healing /Apprentice led me to Miska Chaska. I made call immediately, we met in person the next day. Miska Chaska took the time for me although it was the very last day for her in Peru this year. The healing session was very intense and with beautiful visions – I was amazed that without any haluzinogenic plants I had clear visions, pictures and strong reveiling emotions upcoming during the procedure. After that we had a long conversation and I was sure that I wanted to become her Apprentice of the beautiful work she holds and share through the Medicine Wheel.
One year passed by, both of us where for some months in Europe and now back again in Peru. We met again almost like coincidence and Miska Chaska was indeed ready to invite me as one of the first students on Medicine of light Maloka in Sauce, a village close to the tropical rain forest. It was a huge gift to me getting her offer!
The eight days of teaching of the South Class started in a beautiful environment of an ecolodge. It was exclusive private class just two students and had like this an unique and intense time of studying and practicing together and with each other. Miska added as start the teaching about Chakras and how to feel and work with the energy field of the human body. We meditated, sang, danced and got very knowledgeable wisdom teachings by Miska Chaska in a gentle, personal and kind loving way. In this time we became friends.
The main part of the South Class was for me to learn meditation and self reflection – working out the own shadows to be aware of them and clear and release them or even just accept them as a part of the own being. We students received big support through certain implementations of arche types (like personal teachers during the meditation), rites for wise and heartful acting and protective affirmations.
And to become by the time a healer on our own we received and practiced the ilumination work which is one way of the healing sessions what Miska does for clients and also for myself in our first meeting. This energetic work interacts with the clients psyche and the spirits, reveiling blockages and hurting imprints and helping them to release. In the last step the healing light streams down into the being of the client, directed by the healer and his or her intention. After all this ilumination process the session is finished by finding helpful affirmations and special gifts for the client.
For me personally this ilumination sessions healed big issues and the change was incredible: Starting with fear and sorrows and finishing with laughter and dancing arround! And as an important part of the south class we students got by this work our first Medicine Stones – three stones representing wounds and gifts of oneself, as the outcome of the South Class and Ilumination work. Each class and direction of the four winds will give more Medicine Stones and much more knowledge and practice to become a healer, depending on the serious and heartful intention and practice of the student.
I am very grateful for all the gifts of the South Class. They helped me already many times to look deeper into myself and also understand others and Life in their complexity. And it is a permanent work and learning – even just subtle and silent in the own mind and heart – like this an important development is supported day by day to become a "good human" and friend of the earth and spirits.
Thank you, dear Miska Chaska!
Munay Sonco