Cacao Love Ritual

"Lift your spirit with sweet cacao, let love and light to heal your heart."

Cacao Theobroma cacao L., criollo variety

The Cacao tree grows in the rainforest of the Amazon of Peru, Ecuador tropical forest of Central America, Africa, Asia, and some Islands.  Traditionally used as a medicinal beverage 4000 years ago by Mexican Culture /Yucatan Olmeca and Mayans in Peru Incas. The cacao fruit is considered to be a natural stimulant with high levels of protein and antioxidants in the form of flavonoids.

Cacao trees Theobroma, are for me more then Gold I treasure each bean with so much love and respect, the plant and its people Earth keepers.
-  Miska Chaska

Why cacao and sacred ceremony!?

Raw Cacao beans are very sacred Gifts of the Gods and Mama Jungle,  very powerful healer, transformer and potent heart-opening medicine, release dopamine, anandamide, increasing happiness and joy, this precious active ingredient is our catalyst to help elevate the mood, natural energy, and sense of connection which is essential for our daily life & growth & health. Very strong activator and bridge between our human nature,  esoteric natural worlds, and Higher Consciousness. Helps to liberate and detoxify, brings inner peace, serenity and much joy, deep feeling of Self-love and Belonging!! Plus have many essential minerals(magnesium, zinc, B vitamins, more.) 

In the sacred ceremony, we open Sacred Space together to welcome the Spirit of the Cacao medicine plants, in Miska's ritual this sweet sacred magic medicine is from Peru, directly from Farmers Fairtrade and bio quality. 

"Live for Life, abundance, respect, love to all"

Miska prepares a very natural, potent Vibrant Elixir (potion) from Bio, fair trade, raw cacao, and a mix of herbs, superfoods (which she have intuitively picked, from the years of experience with Cacaoito plant) and higher vibrational sounds, mantras, songs, crystal, charge with elements too in her Sacred Space. Very heartwarming, healing, harmonizing, liberating. Allow feelings of Divine Love to touch your heart and soul.

As you will ingest this amazing Cacao drink as medicine, you will feel its euphoric healing properties.

Miska's humble spiritual guidance, songs, meditation, the art of movement will bring you on a beautiful journey. You will have the opportunity to set intentions and prayers for your heart, body, mind spirit, liberate any subconscious patterns of negative thoughts imprints, and manifest positive - deepest dreams and Self Love - for your life today.

The ritual consists of Sacred sharing heart circle, meditation, medicine songs, chants, warming up movements follow by sacred dance and Healing Mandala Ritual and End with Relaxation, wining down, journaling or simply resting. Closing Ritual, with additional Fire, Water, Eart, Air ceremony Miska's Bonus is to close with Check-in on all participants, share guidance integration to help you on way home. She is also available afterwards for one-to-one private energy healing sessions, a Shamanic journey, and much more. (These Rituals vary according to the seasons and Moon cycle and participants )

If you enjoy chocolate, dancing wildly, letting go of all your daily stresses, and celebrating through dance until your whole body is vibrating with a sense of aliveness, then this is for you. In this powerful and liberating experience, you will discover the unique combination of raw cacao and dance as medicine to awaken the heart and detoxify the soul.

Come and join us to have your own experience at this very unique Sacred Ritual guide by Miska Chaska             

In the Time of our Situation, I can tailor ritual for your Home via Zoom or Skype for your entire family, group of friends, or private one to one.

Remember to check my New Eshop and ETSY  Quinti Ceremonial Cacao Elixirs " to have it handy in your home for own Ritual :)

Miska also offers to individuals interested to dive little deeper

Very Special ritual call " Self Care Love Ritual " for Women, also suitable for Man.

For more inquiry, information to book Miska's Rituals, welcome to connect  in person 

For a better idea of ​​the rituals and Miska's offerings,  inspiration.

We have put together a little list of links of some events.

Enjoy it with Love, Amor y Luz 

Munay Sonqo

I have a very big passion for Cacao for decades. Meeting Cacao in person was my dream and came through in the year 2012. Since that we have deepened our connection.

Preparing delicious raw chocolates, or snacks and making Elixirs for rituals all over the world, inspiring others way before it came to fashion.
Giving tips and beans to my friends, clients to lift their moods, calming their heartaches.
Cacao is full of Natural Bliss, Ananadanine, and also great Antioxidants, Superfood. Beautiful Selvatic Spirit and Friend Really make my Heart Sing:)